There are two pools for use for Forest Lakes residents. One at the North Recreational Facility and another at the South Recreational Facility. Pools are open from Memorial Day through Labor Day. You must have an updated Resident Information Sheet on file with the FLCA office in order to receive pool access. If you rent, you must provide a current lease to receive pool access. To register for pool access with our new Membersplash progam, please click here. Step by step instructions for pool registration can be found here. Please see the Pool Rules.

TENNIS and Pickleball
Forest Lakes has 4 lighted hard surface tennis courts at the South Recreational Facility and 6 (4 lighted) clay surface courts at the North Recreational Facility. There are 2 dedicated pickleball courts and two dual purpose courts that are lined for both tennis and pickleball at the South location. Courts are for Forest Lakes residents and their guests by reservation only. Residents must be with guests at all times. Court reservations must be made through the Playtomic App or the Playtomic website. You must first be registered on Playtomic. To register, please call the FLCA office. Both adult and youth classes and programs are offered. Refer to the monthly newsletter for tennis activities. Click here for Tuesday Night Pickleball.
The Tennis Pro Shop is located at the North Facility, 1818 Pavilion Circle. Robert Johnston is our Tennis Pro. Contact him by phone at the Pro Shop 434-974-5567 or by email at JTAforestlakes@gmail.com
The Fitness Center, located at the South Recreational Facility, is available for resident use from 4am-midnight. Access is gained through electronic fitness cards assigned to each household. If you lose a card, please report it to the FLCA office immediately. If you wish, new cards are available at the office and may be purchased for $10.00. Please read over all the fitness center rules here – Fitness Center Policy – before using the facility. The fitness center is monitored by cameras 24/7.

The Poolhouse and Pavilion are available for residents to rent for parties and other occasions. Please call the FLCA office (434/973-4596) for available dates. See the Rental Contract for rules and pricing.
Field reservations must be made to use the North and South athletic fields for organized practice and games. Reservation forms can be downloaded here or picked up at the FLCA office. Please return all completed forms to the Field Use Coordinator, Grace Elliff (fladmin@forestlakes.net). PLEASE DO NOT USE THE FIELDS WHEN THEY ARE WET OR DAMP! Use the SOCA hotline (434.817.7246) as your guide. If their fields are closed, so are ours.

Basketball and Volleyball Court
A sand volleyball court is located at the South Recreational Facility. Four basketball courts are located across from the Cove Point neighborhood on Timberwood Parkway. Take the path down towards Watercrest Lake. Courts are for use for Forest Lakes residents and their guests only. No reservations are taken.

Groups & Classes
Book Club | Swim Team | Yoga | Libraries | Parents Group
Garden Plots
Interested in having a garden plot? Please contact the Forest Lakes office at 434-973-4596 or email Grace at fladmin@forestlakes.net.